Monday, September 10, 2007

Children's Museum of Atlanta

In August, we visited the Children's Museum of Atlanta with Scott and Tracey. It was SOOOO coool!!! If anyone has the chance to go there, I couldn't believe how much fun it was. If it tells you anything, Silas stayed busy - doing all different things - for TWO hours! And with a toddler's attention span at that! Here are some of the things we did...

This was one of his favorites. It was a model of a produce/grocery truck that he LOVED to "drive".


There were all kinds of neat mechanical things there - pulleys and levers. This thing is operated by turning a wheel and pulling on some ropes. With it, you can catch these balls that fall from a conveyer-belt type thing and drop them into a ball pit. Fun.

Water toys and moon sand.

Painting :)

Tracey and Scott had fun too!

Yes!! You are right, we ARE on Sesame Street!!! As you can tell, Jason and I are probably more excited about it than our child was...but oh well!! We were on Sesame Street!!

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