We had a fun-filled Easter day today! This morning, we got up and saw that the Easter Bunny visited our house last night!! He left our little buddy some great goodies, and Silas had a good time getting his easter basket and finding the eggs that the Easter Bunny hid all over the living room. Grammy and Reginald sent some easter books, too, which were fun to read after breakfast.

Where are more easter eggs?
Mommy and Silas all dressed up for church.
In the afternoon, we had lots of family over for an Easter potluck and it was so much fun! Silas' three great-grandparents were there, and his Grandpa, Babe, Nana, Papa and Sasta. It was a great, relaxing time and Silas entertained everyone as usual...they are all pretty fun, too, as you can tell.