Monday, March 26, 2007

Springtime fun

We've been doing lots of fun stuff outside now that the weather is sooooo nice.
Last weekend, we went hiking at the Botanical Gardens with Beth and her friend John. That was so much fun, the weather was beautiful, and we cooked out and played cards all afternoon. Ahhhhhhh....brain vacation...

1. This first picture is so funny to me because this is a perfect depiction of how I feel most of the time.
2. The baby snake that Silas found (i.e. almost stepped on). Errr, nope, that didn't scare me a bit.
3. He really liked these statues, especially one he looks like he is talking to in this pic.
4. Goobers.

Fun at the park. I love the colors in these pictures.

We're starting a little bit of work on our new yard. You can't see much of it in the picture, but Jason did a great job of building an herb-garden box for our front yard. Silas is here working hard watering the plants and playing in the dirt. We planted a few bulbs near the mailbox too. We'll see what we can get to grow and then actually keep alive.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Silas meets Jordan

Our good friends Julie and James came to Georgia for a visit recently and the kiddos got to meet for the first time. It will be fun when they each actually care that another kid is around! Jordan is suuuuuch a cutie pie and is a really sweet girl. We can't wait to go camping all together sometime :)

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Cute picture from Grammy's

Silas spent last Tuesday night and Wednesday day with his Grammy in the mountains. He had a great time playing on her ramp, watching the turkeys, playing with the daschunds, and feeding the birds. Not to mention hiking up and down her hill of a front yard!! I bet Grammy was tired, but Silas sure did have a great time!

We just LOVE this picture. It's his personality to a T :)

Thursday, March 15, 2007


Well, it was just about time for a trim. Summer weather is coming, so Silas got his very FIRST haircut. We couldn't believe how hard it was to cut those little curls off. But, sadly, they went. Now he looks like such a big boy and we want to grow them back out again! Ha ha.


