That's the word of the month...Gack!
Everything is Gack. "Silas, where's the light?" He looks and points at the light and says "Gack!"
"Silas, where's the fan?" we say with enthusiasm. Again, he looks at the fan and says "Gack!"
"Where's the window?" "Where's Mama?" He looks right at what you're saying and responds with a happy "Gack!" to let you know that he knows what you're talking about.
The other day, we were looking at this little book that had a picture of a dog on one page, a cat on one page, and a cow on the last page. We took the pages apart and were talking to Silas about each animal and its sounds. When we put all three pictures out in front of him and asked "Silas, where's the kitty cat?", he actually picked out the right card! Jason was about to explode with excitement! We asked him each of the animals and he chose the correct one each time we said the animal. That was so much fun!! We're really working on ways that he can communicate with us other than saying words (because "Gack" is all we get) but it's obvious that he knows more than he can verbalize.
I think that I personally like this age the BEST so far. I love little cuddly tiny babies, too, but the budding communication skills and his personality coming out so much really makes this age special. I'm sure that we'll feel like that about almost every stage he goes through, but I've realized that maybe I'm better with slightly older babies than small infants :)
In other happy news, Jason has graduated from the Manager Training Program at Lowe's!! YAY. I'm so proud of him. He's officially Zone Manager Trained now, and can apply for any ZM position. For his training, he had to do various projects around the store, watch training videos, read a huge notebook of information and take tests every week for 9 weeks. He did great, and finished his final exam this past Monday. We're excited that he feels so hopeful about his job at Lowe's and where he can go with it.
This past week was also the beginning of Fall semester for me. Whew! Whatever made me want to try and pack every minute of the day with something?! I have no idea. I'm taking two classes, which are Teaching Writing and Teaching Reading. Obviously, to teach reading and writing, I have to read and write a good bit. That part is fun, actually. I enjoy having assignments that make me write creatively. This past week, I read a book by Zora Neale Hurston called Dust Tracks on a Road. It’s her memoir about growing up poor in Florida in the 1910’s and then going on to become an influential part of the Harlem Renaissance as an adult. As a part of this class, we also have to write our own memoirs. Wow, that should be interesting to see what that ends up looking like.
That’s just about it for us. Busy, busy. We’re trying to sell our house and move closer into town to save some time here and there. When was it that we became such adults?!
I’ll try to post some pictures soon, but I am having trouble with my computer at work and will get those up as soon as I can.
Take care!