Silas turned 10 months old today! So we celebrated with a little naked fingerpainting. He really didn't know what to think about it at first, but then he liked smooshing the paint all around. His favorite part, though, was the bath afterwards. The boy loves his bathtime!

Here I am standing up in my crib, looking cute! I can pull up all by myself now.

During the first weekend of May, we went to Albany to celebrate Silas' cousin Emily's 9th birthday and his Aunt Shellie's birthday. Silas went swimming for the first time while we were down there!! HE LOVED IT. We thought he might have been scared to get in the pool, but he just smiled and splashed and loved riding around in his float. Next summer we might have a little fish!
Our camera wasn't working so Shellie took these pictures for us on her camera phone.