Monday, February 27, 2006

It's February and Silas is 7 months old!

Well, I planned to post pictures and information every week (ha) but it looks like it is a once-per-month thing. Here are some pictures taken of Silas at 7 months old. He is getting SO big and has such a great personality. He is a very happy baby, quick to smile and laugh. Night sleeping, however, is difficult. Apparently his Daddy had the same problem when he was a baby, so we're hoping Silas will grow out of it soon.

New things he is doing: sitting up VERY well, babbling LOTS, looking for the cats when we call them, has gotten up on his knees a couple of times but no crawling action yet. Absolutely loves being outside. Eats solid foods great and his favorites right now are corn and baby "jambalaya".

Things that make him laugh:
playing peek-a-boo, Daddy making pig noises (not like oink-oink, but the one where you have to snort and it hurts the back of your throat. That one. Who wouldn't think that was funny?) He also loves this little toy that sings the alphabet and of course he loves the cats. He also loves splashing in the bathtub and having lotion massages at the end of the day.

Things that make us laugh:
How he is already showing such stubbornness and determination (I'm sure that makes my mom laugh too), his cute cry-face, and how he babbles/talks to us in the middle of the night, like "oh good, I'm so glad you're here. I was wanting someone to talk to. It's funny that you just came in here right when I'm ready to tell you this big long story. Here goes..."

What has Silas done this month?
Well.....he had his first spend-the-night at Aunt Shellie and Uncle Pat's house. That was FUN. Emily and Ethan are such great cousins and Silas had a really good time with everyone.

Anyway. Here is what you really probably want to see - pictures!

What's that I see?

Here Kitty Kitty!
